A new EU deal has been made today. Just goes to show what can be done with a determined, charismatic and charming leader who is prepared to delegate to competent people that he trusts.
I reckon this is all "classic Dom". Dominic Cummings has a pretty simple way of doing things. Figure out the strategy then stick to it, don't deviate and repeat the mantra ad nauseum. When questioned, repeat it again and keep doing that till your opponents believe you are serious.
"We are leaving by 31st October" is the new "Take back control". This whole thing has Cummings' fingerprints all over it.
I imagine Cummings has known for a while that he would end up bouncing the DUP into accepting the deal or just doing it without their support.
Cummings has little respect for any politician. Apparently he doesn't think much of Farage and I suspect he has little time for the DUP. At the end of the day he does not need to court popularity.